
      重启思维 情报成就未来! Rethinking Competitive Intelligence in China
     中国·上海   2007年12月15—16日   

      SHANGHAI·CHINA       DEC 15—16,2007


   2008 年是中国企业加快创新发展的关键一年,国内市场竞争加剧、 人民币升值、原材料价格上涨和国际竞争者进入步伐加大等种种压力,使中国企业面临着更加激烈的市场竞争压力和危机。

   如何防范国际化背景下的市场压力、危机对企业的影响?如何降低外部竞争环境变化对企业发展创新的冲击?在踏踏实实优化企业结构、提高管理水平的同时,有没有一些技巧和方法能让企业的竞争能力和抗风险力越走越强? 我们需要重启思维。

   竞争情报是中国企业面对市场竞争和进行危机预警的最成熟有效的方法和技术,建立完善的信息情报网络和人际情报网络,是企业应对挑战、生存与发展之道。 为了帮助企业提高应对快速变化的复杂环境的能力,分享竞争情报最新发展成果、拓宽视野,中国竞争情报咨询与培训中心定于 2007 年 12 月 15 — 16 日在上海举行 2007 中国竞争情报年会


   在此, 2007 中国竞争情报年会会务组全体诚挚的邀请您及您的同事, 相聚中国金融商业的中心城市-上海,出席中国竞争情报业2007年度盛会! 

The 3rd Annual Conference of China Enterprise Competitive Intelligence will be held in Dec15-16, 2007 in Shanghai by China Institutes of Competitive Intelligence(leading CI Research and Consulting Group in China since 2002). As the host of this event, we are pleased to invite you to attend the China 's largest Annual conference for CI/BI professionals from business and industry.

The Competitive Intelligence is a fast-growing area in the china information service. The application of Competitive Intelligence have been popularizing for government departments and in various industries like telecom, auto, petroleum, chemical industry, pharmaceutical, steel, finance and consulting in china. More than 10,000 senior managers and CI practitioners have been trained in China in the past years. Over 300 leading enterprises had built up their CI system.

Attending 3rd Annual Conference of Competitive Intelligence is the most effective use of your professional development and training funds. Tens of Senior Manager, Director, Analyst and CI talent of China Famous enterprises from various industries and fields will join this Annual Conference. Join your colleagues for two days of rich content, see what's new in competitive intelligence technology and applications, building the human network with experts and people in your industry.


2007中国企业竞争情报年会·™ 版权所有京ICP备05051879号
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